Book For Self Help

Action Steps for Your Journey:
Mapping Your Way to True Health
and Body Confidence

Cracking the Code of
Health and Fitness

Eat Healthy
Mastering the Mindset: Your Key
to Unlocking Lifelong Health
and Body Positivity
Weight Loss
Who doesn’t like to embark on a transformative journey and embrace good health and vitality? Picture yourself on a journey where you not only avoid pitfalls that hinder your growth but also embrace a profound sense of accomplishment. Sounds good, right?



Raw Food


Maggie McNamara helps readers rewrite their fitness narrative through her groundbreaking book, “The First 10LBS: A Roadmap to Better Fitness and Health”. Discover the power of embracing a fresh perspective on your wellness journey by diving into a sea of meaningful transformation. Step onto a path where every small victory adds up and every effort is a stepping stone toward an improved self.

We’ve all heard the advice. “Eat healthy. Make smarter decisions. Get more exercise. Lose weight.” Simple, right? Except, we all know that it’s far more complicated than that. So, if there’s anybody whose advice you should heed, it’s the person who’s done it.
Maggie knows the challenges and the right ingredients to breaking bad habits and starting good ones. She knows precisely how to make a major lifestyle change while working full time, being a single mom to two sons, eating better, saving money, and losing weight.
It sounds simple, but we all know it isn’t. Maggie knows how to do it because she’s done it, and helped other people do the same.
If you’re genuinely interested in making a permanent and meaningful change in your life, look no further. Take advice from the person who walks the walk.
So, when the pandemic started, we were all homebound. Maggie got the conversation started while helping and co-caring for her little aunt.
Being home was very hard, both emotionally and physically. I LOVE TO EAT.
Maggie was looking good on Zoom. She thought we could do this together and hold each other accountable with daily exercise, better eating habits, and workouts.
We went on Zoom 5 days a week for 1 hour, sometimes 2 or 3 hours a day. Maggie would question us and help with our progress. It helped me tremendously.
For about a year and a half, I got to meet and count on my group for healthy ideas, recipes, and friendships. But then, when the world opened up slowly, we started to get lazy, came up with excuses, and were busy finding where we belong in our lives. However, MAGGIE NEVER GAVE UP ON US.
I was invited to work out with her. She laid out healthy meal plans to follow that would put me on the right track.
She is a very hard-working and determined person. She gives 110% of herself. She is a great teacher and listener. I am honored that she took the time to help me through my journey. There is no one like her in all creation! She's the absolute best!!!
It was fun to rise and shine with a group of women every morning. I did not feel alone. Her coaching was super easy to follow. She removed all excuses, leaving the only one standing in my way: me.
She motivated me along the way and made it easy to follow her lead. I found her to be inspiring, energetic, and positive. I would recommend her to everyone who wants to have fun and get fit!
Her dedication was astonishing. Not only did she prove me wrong, but she also challenged me to push myself. She made fitness a priority and brought 100% effort to every workout. She reached her fitness goals and transformed her body.
Maggie’s dedication and passion inspired me so much that I asked her to start a fitness company with me. Over the years, we have worked with thousands of clients. Maggie always brought that same caring passion to every client.
She is living proof that anything is possible if you are passionate enough to work for it. Maggie is an amazing person and truly an inspiration to me and everyone around her.
There are no bad days with Maggie by your side. I always feel better about myself and my journey after talking to Maggie. I hope we are all lucky enough to have a person like Maggie on our side!
Maggie and her positive vibes have motivated me to enjoy my workout class!
Maggie will also help you with your eating and advise you on how to lose those hard and stubborn pounds. I was truly blessed. With her fitness workouts, I lost 28 pounds.
I love her because Maggie will call you out when you don’t have the perfect form while exercising. What more can I say? She’s simply the best.
That said, it seems like it would be easier to give it a go on your own. However, Maggie is so kind that those feelings just melt away. You truly get the sense that she just wants to help you get and stay healthy.
Somewhere in between Maggie’s kindness, her passion to help, her energy, and her knowledge lie success stories. All that is required on your part is saying YES!!!!
We’ve all heard the advice. “Eat healthy. Make smarter decisions. Get more exercise. Lose weight.” Simple, right? Except, we all know that it’s far more complicated than that. So, if there’s anybody whose advice you should heed, it’s the person who’s done it.
Maggie knows the challenges and the right ingredients to breaking bad habits and starting good ones. She knows precisely how to make a major lifestyle change while working full time, being a single mom to two sons, eating better, saving money, and losing weight.
It sounds simple, but we all know it isn’t. Maggie knows how to do it because she’s done it, and helped other people do the same.
If you’re genuinely interested in making a permanent and meaningful change in your life, look no further. Take advice from the person who walks the walk.
So, when the pandemic started, we were all homebound. Maggie got the conversation started while helping and co-caring for her little aunt.
Being home was very hard, both emotionally and physically. I LOVE TO EAT.
Maggie was looking good on Zoom. She thought we could do this together and hold each other accountable with daily exercise, better eating habits, and workouts.
We went on Zoom 5 days a week for 1 hour, sometimes 2 or 3 hours a day. Maggie would question us and help with our progress. It helped me tremendously.
For about a year and a half, I got to meet and count on my group for healthy ideas, recipes, and friendships. But then, when the world opened up slowly, we started to get lazy, came up with excuses, and were busy finding where we belong in our lives. However, MAGGIE NEVER GAVE UP ON US.